Over 612 backers successfully funded Burn the Fort, shipping fulfillment is anticipated to start early November 2023. We anticipate limited retail availability in late November or early December 2023.
What does this mean?
If you were a backer of the original campaign, you must enter your shipping information and make final payment for shipping, taxes, etc. during the pledge manager.
Gamefound has some great info on managing your pledge: https://help.gamefound.com/category/94-pledge-manager
Late Pledges
We are not opening the campaign to late pledges. Retail will be available on our website and at select stores after all Gamefound pledges are distributed 🙂
End of Campaign
The pledge manager for Burn the Fort will remain open until December 16, 2023. We ask that all backers complete the pledge manager prior to this date.
To learn more about Burn the Fort, get info on when retail copies will be available, and other projects, please sign up for our email list at www.burnthefort.com.
Ahe’ hee’!