Manufacturing & shipping funds held up due to possible threat!?

In a wild turn of events the funds raised via crowdfunding for my board game disappeared for almost 20 days. After hearing the funds initially didn’t go through I initiated an investigation. I had no news for weeks until today. I just found out they were being held by the bank handling the transfer due to the memo that included “Burn the Fort.” There were nine questions relating to the bank’s client that really had nothing to do with me. They just wanted to know if it was an “organization” and if it related to an entity called “The Fort” in Syria.

I cleared all this up with the bank immediately and things appear to have been resolved.

Alas, this means that the whole time frame has been delayed for getting the game to ya’ll. I will have more info on the shipping time frame after I hear back from the manufacturer.

Thanks for your support and patience!


In a wild turn of events the funds raised via crowdfunding for my board game disappeared for almost 20 days. After hearing the funds initially didn’t go through I initiated an investigation. I had no news for weeks until today. I just found out they were being held by the bank handling the transfer due to the memo that included “Burn the Fort.”

Alas, this means that the whole time frame has been delayed for getting the game to ya’ll. I will have more info on the shipping time frame after I hear back from the manufacturer.

Thanks for your support and patience!
